Going With the Flow Vs. Being In Flow — An Important Distinction leadership life skills mindset

I’m often asked what books I recommend to clients.

The answer is easy because there are so many terrific books in the world of self growth and mastery.

But it’s not simple because each person is walking their own unique path and I’m an expert at creating a bespoke coaching...

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Why Comparison is the Enemy of Creativity leadership life skills mindset

It’s humbling to know and publicly admit that I’ve never had an original idea, including the one I’m going to share today.

It’s also liberating beyond measure.

Most of us are raised to believe that unless we create something original, our offer is not valuable, or even...

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When Do You Become An ‘Adult’? leadership life skills mindset

Last week’s blog “Are you an Amateur or a Pro?” raised more questions than answers from my community.

In conversations with clients and readers who reached out, it became clear that every distinction deserves its own chapter.

I, of course, knew this when I was writing the...

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Are you an Amateur or a Pro? Here are 30 Differences to Help You Decide… leadership life skills mindset

My client, Sebastian, thinks he’s behind on “life”.

He thinks he missed the memo the rest of us received on how to live a happy life.

I know better.

Sebastian hasn’t fallen behind and there is no such memo.

We’re all just trying to figure it out.

Unless we’re...

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Are You Making a Contract or a Covenant? leadership

“I look forward to receiving a contract,”

My clients will often say.

My response is always the same and often surprising, if not downright confusing to them.

“I don’t do contracts.”

Deep transformational life coaching is not a transaction, but rather a commitment of...

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Idea Doubt vs Identity Doubt leadership life skills mindset

Do you doubt yourself?

Do you then judge yourself for having doubts?

How’s that working for you? (You can let me know the answer to this question after! … so read on).

I know for sure that it’s not working for you because it sure as hell has never worked for me or any of my...

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You Are Your Environment life skills mindset

So, you want to change a habit?

If I was allowed only one coaching tool in my professional coaching toolbox and I mean …

I literally could only use one and no other tool or system … I know which one I would keep. And now you’ll know it too.

I would keep the tool and practice I...

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Sorry (Not Sorry)! communication life skills mindset

What are you apologizing for these days?

Let me guess.

Almost everything?

Most of us go through our days and ultimately our lives habitually apologizing. If you don’t think this applies to you, try the following experiment for a day or a week.

Become aware and take note of how often you...

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14 Challenges of Emerging Adults leadership life skills parenting

Most professional Coaches will tell their clients what to think.

The truth is we need to learn how to think.

I’m an expert in helping emerging adults integrate their emotions, core values and actions in service of their life goals. Teaching them how to think is the skill and mindset shift...

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Ready Vs. Comfortable life skills mindset

My niece, Hannah, just released an album of her heartfelt and deeply vulnerable (and in my opinion, brilliant) work.

To put one’s work and self out there in the world takes courage at any age, but at 17, it takes something more.

Hannah was walking through fear, not because she was...

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The Second Wind life skills mindset

I come from a family of high achievers.

My work as a Life and Leadership Coach has me in constant conversation with leaders who would proudly carry this label. But in pushing the borders of exploring what it means to live a happy life, it has become clear to me that being a high achiever is no...

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Just Ask! communication mindset relationships

My son and I were traveling by plane recently.

We were sitting in coach.

He is a big guy and I’m not such a big woman (in size).

We sat quietly and peacefully next to each other for 2 hours until I asked him this question


Me: “Can I ask you a question?”

He: “Of...

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"How Do You Define Success?" She Asked leadership life skills mindset

A dear and wise client of mine, Jo, sent me a text last night with a seemingly simple question.

She asked, “How do you define success?”

I read this text at the end of a day that felt like anything but successful! I had failed to finish a 50 mile race that I had trained for with great...

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Second Marriage with Your First Spouse? Is That a Thing?

I am an expert at helping couples experience their second marriage with their first spouse.

I’m not exactly sure how that happened though, given I, myself, was in a marriage only once for less than four years.

But Pat Riley didn’t need to be an extraordinary basketball player, to lead...

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Go or No Go? life skills mindset

Nobody ever jumped out of bed in the morning and joyfully exclaimed,

“I love creating new habits!”

Nobody ever!

That’s because we all know that forming new habits and getting rid of old, entrenched ones is a shitty process.

By shitty I mean it’s long, requiring higher...

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Are You Ready to Turn Pro? life skills mindset

An extraordinary Life Coach is probably not smarter, richer or more academically accomplished than her clients.

She may not be older, wiser or more worldly than her clients either.

But if she’s really good at supporting them to live a more optimal and fulfilling life, it’s a good bet...

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8 Steps to Creating a Successful Life Transition coaching transformation

Are you in the middle of or considering making a life transition? Truthfully, it’s a combination of art and science. Here are 8 steps to get you from information-gathering to action:

1. Know your “Why”

Having crystal clear clarity about the reason for your transition is the...

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You Get What You Pay For: The Ways We Confuse Fee with Fine life skills

How often do you blame yourself for making a mistake you believe you shouldn’t have made?

How often do you catch yourself saying or simply thinking some version of, “I was stupid…I should have known better…I can’t believe I let that happen to me!”?

If in...

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You Don’t Need My Coaching…

You don’t need my coaching.

And that may be why you are my ideal client, and I, your ideal coach.

There is a paradox inherent to the business model I’ve chosen.

I choose to coach people who are emotionally and psychologically well, high performing by all regular human standards, and...

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Are You a Visionary or Action Hero? life skills

Some people have vision.

I love those people so much! I seek them out. I want them as friends and clients. I’m drawn to them like a hopelessly hypnotized moth to flame.

They like me too. They think I’m one of them.

But I never had vision. Still don’t.  

What I have is...

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The Morning Practice life balance

We are often drawn to coaching because we think the coach is somehow wiser or smarter than we are. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I have no problem sharing my belief that every single one of my clients is smarter than I am. However, you can safely assume that any effective...

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Why the Right Group of People is a Mirror — Not a Club

Are you a group person?

I never was.  

Until recently.

At first, my individualism bias was by chance more than choice.

I was an only child for the first eight years of my life, and truth be told, I liked it. I didn’t have to compete with anyone for attention and had a default for...

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It’s NOT the Thought That Counts: Why Action Trumps Intention communication

Whoever coined the phrase “it’s the thought that counts” was likely trying to make themselves feel better about disappointing someone due to a half-hearted attempt or one simply not taken at all. 

Nobody ever meant it when they let us off the hook by saying it’s the...

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4 Errors We Make that Lead to the Habit of Worry mindset

Worry is nothing less or more than a habit.

It’s complex only insofar as our individual tendency towards it, but otherwise it’s pretty simple and, ultimately, a decision.

Worry is self indulgence masquerading as concern and love for others.

Worry is letting our mind indulge in...

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