Burn The Boats leadership mindset transformation

It’s no exaggeration when I say that I work with some of the most committed and courageous human beings in this world.

Every day and in every area of their lives, my clients are pushing the limits of what is possible for them. They don’t just talk about it, read and forward...

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5 Life Skills For Cultivating Inspiration coaching life integration time management transformation work/life balance

We often complain of not having motivation. “ I really want to write the book I’ve been dreaming about, but I’m just not motivated.” “ If only I could motivate myself to make those important business calls.”

So we wait. And wait.

To be motivated for real, and...

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How To Reach Your Partner coaching communication transformation

One reason folks hire a Life Coach is because they feel “stuck” in their relationship with their significant other.  There’s love and commitment, even friendship and fun, so what’s missing?

More often than not, what’s missing is the willingness to talk about...

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How to Cultivate the Habit of Slowing Down to Increase Your Productivity life balance

In the work of life and career coaching, certain themes show up with almost every client.

I happen to work with highly productive and ambitious individuals, so the challenge of time management is, understandably, top of mind for all of them. Everyone is looking for the magic bullet —...

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Coaching In Action coaching transformation

It was a privilege to have the opportunity to coach one of my peers, Rebekah Weintraub.

Here’s what Rebekah writes about the experience:

This is a special edition of Transforming Today Show where we see coaches coaching coaches! You may have heard about professional coaching, as it is now a...

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3 Reasons My Children Don't Make Me Happy mindset parenting


“You make Mommy so happy!”

Those of us who are parents have uttered this statement at some point in our parenting.  If you have not, you are in the minority and you should be proud of yourself.

I became a parent long before I began my education to become a Professional...

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5 Ways Life Coaching Has Made Me a Better Parent coaching communication parenting

Ever notice how you can be one person in one area of your life and a different person in another?

In my years as a Professional Life Coach, I can argue that I am (more often than not) a better professional than I have been a parent.  This is not an easy statement to make, but here’s...

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How to Find More Time in Life coaching time management work/life balance

Setting goals is, arguably, the most over discussed subject in the world of coaching.  Do we have goals”? Of course, we do! Are we taking meaningful, impactful and sustainable steps towards achieving our goals?

Well, that’s where most of us feel challenged!  

Achieving our...

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How to Improve the Quality of Your Life - an LA Mom Magazine Interview (Pt. 1) life integration mindset transformation work/life balance

It was a privilege and a joy to be interviewed by the talented, Shirin Yadegar from LA Mom Magazine. We discussed how to improve the quality of your life by prioritizing activities through the lens of “Life Buckets.”

What are "Life Buckets”? They are areas that we make deposits...

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Transforming Your Daily Life - LA Mom Magazine Interview (Pt. 2) life integration transformation work/life balance

How can you easily transform your daily life while being intentional and getting your fill of life? Shirin Yadegar from LA Mom Magazine and I discuss these questions in this short but powerful interview.

In this interview, you’ll learn:

  • What a life coach is and how one can be helpful...

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4 Reasons To Meet Your Life Coach at the Beach coaching life integration transformation

I once suffered from chronic debilitating back pain because of what should have been a completely manageable skeletal issue, but had become increasingly worse due to a job that involved being sedentary for hours at a time.  Whether I was in my office, working with teams, on a plane, or in a...

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The Magic Is In The Client! coaching mindset

Life Coaching - The Magic Is In The Client!

It's funny how our clients think we inspire them, but they truly inspire us more than they'll ever know. I was humbled and brought to tears while reading this piece, my beautiful and powerful client, Kathy Igou, posted today:


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Why There is no such thing as a "good" Professional Life Coach! coaching transformation

Professional life coaching is an interesting career and different from most service-based businesses. The barriers to entry are low, but the barriers to success are higher than in almost any other field.

There are highly successful life coaches who are not certified, and coaches with years...

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Toss Your Hat Over the Wall! life integration mindset

In a 1963 speech promoting the new space program, President John Kennedy declared that the United States had "thrown its hat over the wall of space and had no choice but to follow it." 

This was a phrase he borrowed from Irish writer, Frank O’Connor, who, as a boy, would find the most...

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Why I Work with the BEST Clients EVER! coaching communication

Last week, while listening to one of my all time favorite podcasts, Finding Mastery with Michael Gervais, I had a huge AHA moment.

Michael's guest on the show was Bob Hurley, an entrepreneur who created the brand, Hurley. He said something so profound. And I'm pretty sure it was said much more...

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Why Creating is more fun than Predicting life integration mindset transformation

The best way to predict our future is to create it.

Dr. Joe Dispenza

At the core of the work of life coaching is taking our clients through the process of change. Change happens when we do something differently than we have in the past. Everyone knows this, so why is it so hard to do?


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Life Coaching or Therapy? coaching communication mindset

Not a day goes by that I don’t get the question, “How is life coaching different than therapy?”

The two have one very important aspect in common; they are both available to allow us a better understanding of ourselves, giving us access to live more purposefully. From there, they...

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A Gucci Bag or Your Emotional Health? coaching mindset

Granted it can be a tough choice to make for many of us, I feel uniquely qualified to guide you through this decision!

After all, for over 2 decades, expensive designer handbags are exactly what I sold to my clients. Here is what I can tell you for sure. Almost none of my clients ever ...

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Why I Became A Life Coach coaching

People often ask me why I switched careers in mid life after building decades of experience in my chosen field: fashion.

The answer is simple. My work was a reflection of who I was at 20, 30 and even 45, but not the woman I have become in the second half of my life. The work of building...

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