Go or No Go? life skills mindset

Nobody ever jumped out of bed in the morning and joyfully exclaimed,

“I love creating new habits!”

Nobody ever!

That’s because we all know that forming new habits and getting rid of old, entrenched ones is a shitty process.

By shitty I mean it’s long, requiring higher...

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Are You Ready to Turn Pro? life skills mindset

An extraordinary Life Coach is probably not smarter, richer or more academically accomplished than her clients.

She may not be older, wiser or more worldly than her clients either.

But if she’s really good at supporting them to live a more optimal and fulfilling life, it’s a good bet...

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8 Steps to Creating a Successful Life Transition coaching transformation

Are you in the middle of or considering making a life transition? Truthfully, it’s a combination of art and science. Here are 8 steps to get you from information-gathering to action:

1. Know your “Why”

Having crystal clear clarity about the reason for your transition is the...

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You Get What You Pay For: The Ways We Confuse Fee with Fine life skills

How often do you blame yourself for making a mistake you believe you shouldn’t have made?

How often do you catch yourself saying or simply thinking some version of, “I was stupid…I should have known better…I can’t believe I let that happen to me!”?

If in...

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You Don’t Need My Coaching…

You don’t need my coaching.

And that may be why you are my ideal client, and I, your ideal coach.

There is a paradox inherent to the business model I’ve chosen.

I choose to coach people who are emotionally and psychologically well, high performing by all regular human standards, and...

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Are You a Visionary or Action Hero? life skills

Some people have vision.

I love those people so much! I seek them out. I want them as friends and clients. I’m drawn to them like a hopelessly hypnotized moth to flame.

They like me too. They think I’m one of them.

But I never had vision. Still don’t.  

What I have is...

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The Morning Practice life balance

We are often drawn to coaching because we think the coach is somehow wiser or smarter than we are. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I have no problem sharing my belief that every single one of my clients is smarter than I am. However, you can safely assume that any effective...

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Why the Right Group of People is a Mirror — Not a Club

Are you a group person?

I never was.  

Until recently.

At first, my individualism bias was by chance more than choice.

I was an only child for the first eight years of my life, and truth be told, I liked it. I didn’t have to compete with anyone for attention and had a default for...

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It’s NOT the Thought That Counts: Why Action Trumps Intention communication

Whoever coined the phrase “it’s the thought that counts” was likely trying to make themselves feel better about disappointing someone due to a half-hearted attempt or one simply not taken at all. 

Nobody ever meant it when they let us off the hook by saying it’s the...

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4 Errors We Make that Lead to the Habit of Worry mindset

Worry is nothing less or more than a habit.

It’s complex only insofar as our individual tendency towards it, but otherwise it’s pretty simple and, ultimately, a decision.

Worry is self indulgence masquerading as concern and love for others.

Worry is letting our mind indulge in...

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For Brianna parenting

Don’t look away.

She could have been your child or mine.

Parenting is nothing but one long-held breath.

We inhale as we witness our heart detach from our chest and begin its journey in a world outside of us.

A world outside of our protection and control.

And we hold our breath till the day...

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The Appreciation Audit: How to Create Relationships That Last communication

There’s a secret to identifying our most robust relationships.

The secret is that if asked the question, “which one of you gets more out of this relationship?” each party would honestly and easily respond, “I do, of course!”

This is a concept that our brain...

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How to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions by “Going Upstream” life skills

It’s January 6, 2022!

If you like making New Year’s resolutions, I’d like to suggest the following:

Go upstream.

So many of us make the kind of resolutions that are bound to fall apart (data shows that this happens by mid January, for most) because we’re too far downstream...

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Networking Sucks! Master the Art of Connecting Instead life skills

I absolutely hate networking.

I literally hate the word and everything it stands for.

Most of us are pretty happy going through life meeting and getting to know people organically until some time in our late teens and early adulthood when we are given the message that if we want to be successful...

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The Antidote to Anger anger calm determination inner work

I used to be really angry.

I thought it was my personality because, well, I come from a long line of angry people. I can feel them getting angry as they read these words. But I soothe myself with the belief that most members of my beloved family don’t actually read much of what I write. And...

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My Pain is Bigger Than Yours pain shame sharing social media trauma

When you experience hardships, do you share it with everyone or keep it to yourself? Do you consider it a private event only to be shared with your coach, therapist and best friend? Or do you consider it responsible, helpful and useful to share your painful experiences with the world at large?


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The Unexpected Gifts of Grief & Loss - Part 2 life skills

The outpouring of support, love and understanding I received after publishing my blog, The Unexpected Gifts of Grief & Loss about the passing away of my best friend, Ahmed, has brought me to tears on a regular basis. I did not know that so many people would relate to my unexpected...

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To Feel Alive List coaching commitment

Last week’s blog, A Unicorn Called Happiness, (https://www.carolynmahboubi.com/blog/a-unicorn-called-happiness), left many readers with more questions than answers. Most wanted me to explore how we can identify the things that make us feel alive and purposeful.

As I wrote in last...

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FOSO is Holding You Back! fopo impact living power living productivity porn social pressure

Sit down.  

Close your eyes.

Hear me saying the word, slack.

What’s the emotion that rises up in you?

If you’re anything like most of my clients, ambitious, high-achieving go-getters, the emotion that you’re experiencing is not a pleasant one. We’ve been...

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The Positivity Trap communication mindset

Trying to be relentlessly positive is an exhausting and often useless pursuit.

So many of us, especially women, got the memo that good people always look at the bright side and help others do the same. How often has your child come to you with a story of how she is feeling hurt, disappointed or...

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You're Not Confused coaching conversation emotions feelings mindset

“Wait, I’m confused…..”

How often have you started a potentially difficult conversation by feigning confusion? It was certainly my default response when I was actually angry and hurt but didn’t have the language to express myself without fear of blowing up the...

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Body Purpose: Why We Need to Challenge Modern-Day Culture & Media mindset

“Mom, do you think you might have an eating disorder?” one of my children, who shall go unnamed, asked with more than a little hesitation.

My immediate reaction was, “Wait, what???” followed by confusion, anger and defensiveness. I have a complicated relationship with...

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Doing Hard Things coaching confidence self-growth


What are the one or two questions you are asked most often? It’s worth slowing down to consider, because it says something about who you are, your priorities, and your deepest values. Be warned that this is not an exercise for those who are thin-skinned, take everything...

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The Truth About Belonging belonging community diverse fitting in

What does it mean, “to belong”? This is a question that comes up so often in my work with young adults, and I only wish I could help them understand and actually believe that the rest of us “adults” also struggle with this feeling.

Although intellectually most of...

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