8 Steps to Creating a Successful Life Transition coaching transformation

Are you in the middle of or considering making a life transition? Truthfully, it’s a combination of art and science. Here are 8 steps to get you from information-gathering to action:

1. Know your “Why”

Having crystal clear clarity about the reason for your transition is the...

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To Feel Alive List coaching commitment

Last week’s blog, A Unicorn Called Happiness, (https://www.carolynmahboubi.com/blog/a-unicorn-called-happiness), left many readers with more questions than answers. Most wanted me to explore how we can identify the things that make us feel alive and purposeful.

As I wrote in last...

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You're Not Confused coaching conversation emotions feelings mindset

“Wait, I’m confused…..”

How often have you started a potentially difficult conversation by feigning confusion? It was certainly my default response when I was actually angry and hurt but didn’t have the language to express myself without fear of blowing up the...

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Doing Hard Things coaching confidence self-growth


What are the one or two questions you are asked most often? It’s worth slowing down to consider, because it says something about who you are, your priorities, and your deepest values. Be warned that this is not an exercise for those who are thin-skinned, take everything...

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5 Reasons for the Quarter Life Crisis coaching communication leadership

If you’re not yet familiar with the concept of Quarter Life Crisis, you’re not alone. It’s also likely that you are not a Millennial.

As a Professional Coach, a number of my clients are emerging adults. Generally between the ages of 18 and 25, they are facing some very real...

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The Gracious No coaching communication

Last week’s blog, “Freedom As A Life Value”, included one tiny sentence that invited an inordinate number of questions from readers!  In my list of 6 practices that have collectively allowed me to cultivate the freedom to give more time and attention to the activities and...

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Band-Aid Coaching? coaching

Shifts, shifts, shifts.  The work of Professional Coaching is all about facilitating long-term sustainable shifts - which is entirely different than tricks, hacks and shortcuts.


I noticed a false and disheartening belief, (originally) in myself while being coached, and now, often...

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Becoming A Deliberate Something coaching transformation work/life balance

I’m often asked how I became an ultrarunner, and the short answer is, “One step at a time”.  The deeper answer has something to do with loss and humility.

I started running in my teens as a means to an end.  Whether that end goal was to lose weight, produce positive...

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Niche Rhymes with Quiche coaching leadership

“What’s your niche?”, is a question I’m asked often by folks who are curious to learn more about coaching, and by other Coaches who are interested in working with me.


My short and often unsatisfying response is, “My niche is humans.”



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Life Coaching is Not Hourly Work coaching communication leadership

Life Coaching continues to be mystifying to most.  It certainly was to me, until the previous decade of my life.  Folks don’t understand the difference between Coaching and therapy, as well as the myriad of other methods that exist within the space of human potential.  And...

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What Should I Do? coaching

“What should I do?”, is arguably the phrase many Professional Coaches hear most often.  High achieving folks have a tendency to believe they should be able to solve all their challenges by themselves.  Most of my clients come to me with this particular belief firmly rooted...

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Get Off The Bicycle! coaching transformation work/life balance

What’s the state of your Life Buckets?  When was the last time you checked to see how empty or full each one is?


One of the first exercises I introduce my clients to, is the process defining your 3-4 Life Buckets.  Once we identify our Core Life Values (a separate...

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You're Killing My Soul!! coaching mindset transformation

“You’re killing my soul!”, I whined to my Coach, more than once.  You’d think he was asking me to take action that put my life at risk.  What he was asking me to do - repeatedly, and time after time - was to block time in my calendar for all the things that...

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Why No One Needs Coaching coaching

Recently, I was on a “catch up on life” call with a friend of mine, and she was telling me about all the people around her who are dealing with our new COVID reality by doing more, much more, of what they were always doing anyway.  She complained about their overdrinking, over...

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Life in the Time of Corona coaching mindset work/life balance

These are complex times and I thought long and hard before writing this blog.  There is so much “information” being hurled at us - whether we’ve invited it or not - and I wasn’t sure I would add value by creating yet another piece of content.

So I stayed quiet and...

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What's Wrong with Knowledge? coaching life integration transformation

What if becoming more knowledgeable doesn’t lead to more fulfillment and success in life?  How would we live our lives differently if we believed this statement to be true? Would we consume less content, read fewer books, and pay less attention to experts?  That seems like a...

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The Path to Becoming a Professional Life Coach coaching transformation

I’m often asked about my path to becoming a Professional Life Coach. This is one of the fastest growing industries globally, and in my opinion, with 7 billion of us needing and wanting to live more successful lives, we could use all the good coaches we can have in this world.

I thank...

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Commitment vs. Intention coaching communication life integration mindset

It’s January 1st, 2020 and all around the world, people are setting goals and intentions that data shows will be forgotten by January 12th.  But there are some people for whom the commitment that they make today, will be sustainable and potentially life-changing.

They will look back on...

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Coach and be Coached coaching life integration transformation

In my career as a Professional Life Coach, I’ve learned that many people don’t understand how their lives might change if they worked with someone who does what I do.

Let me tell you a little bit about my clients.  First of all, they’re doing great, thank you very...

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Dead F----- Last coaching mindset

Life Coaching is about changing thoughts, shifting perceptions, and breaking down goals into bite size pieces.  As a coach, I don’t have the answers for my clients. I’m certainly not smarter than them. And although I hope to inspire, I’m not a cheerleader.

A good coach...

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5 Life Skills For Cultivating Inspiration coaching life integration time management transformation work/life balance

We often complain of not having motivation. “ I really want to write the book I’ve been dreaming about, but I’m just not motivated.” “ If only I could motivate myself to make those important business calls.”

So we wait. And wait.

To be motivated for real, and...

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How To Reach Your Partner coaching communication transformation

One reason folks hire a Life Coach is because they feel “stuck” in their relationship with their significant other.  There’s love and commitment, even friendship and fun, so what’s missing?

More often than not, what’s missing is the willingness to talk about...

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Coaching In Action coaching transformation

It was a privilege to have the opportunity to coach one of my peers, Rebekah Weintraub.

Here’s what Rebekah writes about the experience:

This is a special edition of Transforming Today Show where we see coaches coaching coaches! You may have heard about professional coaching, as it is now a...

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5 Ways Life Coaching Has Made Me a Better Parent coaching communication parenting

Ever notice how you can be one person in one area of your life and a different person in another?

In my years as a Professional Life Coach, I can argue that I am (more often than not) a better professional than I have been a parent.  This is not an easy statement to make, but here’s...

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