Becoming A Deliberate Something coaching transformation work/life balance

I’m often asked how I became an ultrarunner, and the short answer is, “One step at a time”.  The deeper answer has something to do with loss and humility.

I started running in my teens as a means to an end.  Whether that end goal was to lose weight, produce positive...

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What About Me? life integration work/life balance

I absolutely love my work.  Folks ask me if I’m exhausted at the end of the day, having been in deep coaching conversations for 8-9 hours.  I secretly believe that most people think I’m lying when I say I’m far from exhausted.  In truth, I’m even more...

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The โ€œJust Do Itโ€ Myth communication work/life balance

If you regularly beat yourself up because you continue to do or say things you know, for a fact, are not good for you and don’t serve you — just stop! Don’t beat yourself up, you’re actually being completely normal. 

Nothing is wrong, broken or self...

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Intimacy is not a Feeling, it's a Result work/life balance

What is the first emotion you experience when you hear the word, “intimacy”?


If you’re like most of us, the emotion is surprisingly confusing, loaded, and falls somewhere within the purgatory of emotions that should feel good, but somehow don’t.  So if you...

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Get Off The Bicycle! coaching transformation work/life balance

What’s the state of your Life Buckets?  When was the last time you checked to see how empty or full each one is?


One of the first exercises I introduce my clients to, is the process defining your 3-4 Life Buckets.  Once we identify our Core Life Values (a separate...

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Loneliness vs. Solitude - It's About Choice work/life balance

Everywhere we turn, we are told that there is a loneliness epidemic, now far worsened by the mandate to social distance due to COVID.  Even before this pandemic, the data overwhelmingly points to the cost of loneliness in huge populations with people of all ages.  A ground breaking 2010...

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Life in the Time of Corona coaching mindset work/life balance

These are complex times and I thought long and hard before writing this blog.  There is so much “information” being hurled at us - whether we’ve invited it or not - and I wasn’t sure I would add value by creating yet another piece of content.

So I stayed quiet and...

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Freedom From or Freedom To? life integration mindset work/life balance

Do you want to be free?

I’m guessing that your answer is a resounding yes.  Mine was, even before I had the language to express it.  My earliest memories are of roaming in our magical garden in Iran, and feeling like I was free to do and be whatever I wanted.  That was my 5...

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5 Life Skills For Cultivating Inspiration coaching life integration time management transformation work/life balance

We often complain of not having motivation. “ I really want to write the book I’ve been dreaming about, but I’m just not motivated.” “ If only I could motivate myself to make those important business calls.”

So we wait. And wait.

To be motivated for real, and...

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Transforming Your Daily Life - LA Mom Magazine Interview (Pt. 2) life integration transformation work/life balance

How can you easily transform your daily life while being intentional and getting your fill of life? Shirin Yadegar from LA Mom Magazine and I discuss these questions in this short but powerful interview.

In this interview, you’ll learn:

  • What a life coach is and how one can be helpful...

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How to Improve the Quality of Your Life - an LA Mom Magazine Interview (Pt. 1) life integration mindset transformation work/life balance

It was a privilege and a joy to be interviewed by the talented, Shirin Yadegar from LA Mom Magazine. We discussed how to improve the quality of your life by prioritizing activities through the lens of “Life Buckets.”

What are "Life Buckets”? They are areas that we make deposits...

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