Amateur to Pro

Amateur to Pro

Hosted by: Carolyn Mahboubi

A weekly solo-cast offering insights for leaving the “amateur” mindset behind — no matter your age — and adopting the mindsets, skill sets and practices that can help you live life like a Pro.

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Suck It Up, Buttercup!

I know it’s meant as a compliment, but it irks me when someone says, “You’re lucky to have a high pain tolerance.” They usually follow it up with a story about their own natural, even genetic, low pain tolerance. I’ve...
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How Do We Achieve Fulfillment?

An extraordinary Life Coach is probably not smarter, richer or more academically accomplished than her clients. She may not be older, wiser or more worldly than her clients either. But if she’s really good at...
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One Year Since October 7th: A Reflection

One year ago, during this week, still shell-shocked from the events of October 7th, I wrote the following article, Have Freakin’ Conviction! I could have never imagined that over a year later, our brothers, sisters,...
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The Parenting Principle We Got Wrong

The rising generation, also known as Gen Z, has its work cut out for them! With nearly a decade of experience coaching this generation, I've witnessed their unique traits and behaviors. First, let me tell you what...
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The Not-So-Sexy Side of Being a Professional Coach

At least once a week, I’m approached by someone eager to create a career as a Professional Coach. They often ask for my advice and sometimes the opportunity to work with me to build a thriving Coaching business. I’ve...
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Bucketful of Happiness? No Thanks

I have a bone to pick with the Happiness Crowd! Through the last decade, we’ve been obsessed with exploring, chasing, and finding happiness. Look through any airport bookstore, and you’ll find countless authors...
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How Can You Stop Being a Time Survivor?

Last week’s blog post, “Are you a Time Thriver or Time Survivor?” generated many responses, ranging from recognizing ourselves as one or the other type to wanting to learn more about the “how to.” Those primarily...
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Are You a Time Thriver or Time Survivor?

I used to believe that our most valuable resource is time. After all, it’s the one commodity no amount of money can buy. And the fact that no one knows just how much remains for each of us in our lifetime, makes it...
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Road Closed to Your Normal Way of Life

When you hear or read the word “detour,” what’s the primary emotion you experience Do you feel excited, optimistic, and energized? Or hesitant, doubtful, and cautious? I’m going to guess that for most of us, it’s the...
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What Can You Remove from Your Life?

I’m obsessed with Ease. Let me be clear. Here, I’m not talking about Easy. Easy is about doing less, taking shortcuts, and staying inside our comfort zone. Easy says, “I don’t want to do hard things.” Easy seeks...
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If I’m Not Perfect, Then What Am I?

The impact of Perfectionism is like the force of Gravity. Most (I’m hoping all) of us are aware of it, and ignorance doesn’t shield us from its effects. In other words, not understanding gravity will not prevent us...
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Why and How Do You Run 50 Miles?

Growing our commitment muscle is arguably the most significant lever of success we have the power to enforce. Yet so many of us commit to an end goal at the cost of suffering through the journey. If the process of...
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