Amateur to Pro

Amateur to Pro

Hosted by: Carolyn Mahboubi

A weekly solo-cast offering insights for leaving the “amateur” mindset behind — no matter your age — and adopting the mindsets, skill sets and practices that can help you live life like a Pro.

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The "Always A Good Idea!" List

People like us, growth-minded optimizers that is, LOVE lists! Data supports our intuition that lists work. People who create lists become more conscientious over time and procrastinate less, which brings to mind Annie...
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Everytime You Say This, You're Hurting Yourself

What if you had indisputable evidence that your words could unquestionably shape your life? What if, like magic, everything you uttered created your reality, both for the better and the worse?
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To the Doctors Who Couldn’t “Fix” Me, Thank You!

Pain made itself at home in my body sometime in my forties. Those who are quick to blame my trail and ultra running practice as “too much” and, therefore, the cause of my pain should note that my pain began years...
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I Wish I Had Let Myself Be Happier

Recently, I wrote a piece on regrets—specifically, how to not create them. I shared Bronnie Ware’s book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, a worthy read which, contrary to our perception of the subject, is not morbid...
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Hey, Ex-boyfriend. Love You!

“Love you” are two words we either say too often or not enough. Years ago, an ex-boyfriend noticed I don’t end my conversations with loved ones with “love you” as he did. Of course, he knew how much I loved my kids,...
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The Power of Saying “No” to Yourself

Freedom has been my most significant life value even before I had the words to define it. My earliest and fondest memories are of roaming in our magical garden in Iran and feeling free to do and be whatever I wanted....
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It’s That Time of the Year! 51 Resolutions That Mean Business

It’s that time of the year; whether consciously or not, we are all taking stock of the year that passed and thinking about the one ahead. You may or may not decide to set goals for the new year, but if you do,...
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The 2 Windows of Parenting: Authority Vs. Influence

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The 2 Sides of Scarcity. Use it or Lose it?

Lately, I’ve been thinking about scarcity and how it shows up in our lives. I was prompted when the host on this podcast asked me why many high-level female leaders are reluctant to help other women rise the corporate...
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The 3 Things to Consider Before Making a Decision

“If only I had clarity, I know I have what it takes to accomplish any goal!” “If only I had the courage to pursue my dreams… but, alas, I’m just not brave!” “If I just had the confidence to try… write… build… say…...
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Regret is the WORST! Stop Creating It.

When someone asks me what I do, I tell them I help people create regret-free lives. This wasn’t the goal I set out with when I started coaching, but over time, I’ve learned that regret is a deep-seated fear for many,...
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The Job of Your “Job” is Not to Excite You!

People who come to coaching often fall into two categories: Those who don’t know what their next (or first) career move should be and Those with a job and career who want to switch to something else. Coaching the...
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