Amateur to Pro

Amateur to Pro

Hosted by: Carolyn Mahboubi

A weekly solo-cast offering insights for leaving the “amateur” mindset behind — no matter your age — and adopting the mindsets, skill sets and practices that can help you live life like a Pro.

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Context Manipulation: A Tool Used By Cowards

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Transform Your Sacred Spaces. LESS Furniture, MORE Memories?

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How Can You Give Generously Without Being Burnt Out?

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When Giving Makes You Exhausted...

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Under my Willow Tree…

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The Multiple Persona Disorder – A Way of Living That, Unfortunately, Most of Us Have Mastered

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Is Your Preparation a Disguise for Procrastination?

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Powerful People Don’t Feel the Need to be Forceful

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Reactive Vs. Responsive—Who Do You Want to Be?

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Why You Should Refer to Instagram for Quick (and Dirty) Solutions?

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Are You Stuck in the Intensity Trap?

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D.'s Manual for a Timeless and Thriving Marriage

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