Amateur to Pro

Amateur to Pro

Hosted by: Carolyn Mahboubi

A weekly solo-cast offering insights for leaving the “amateur” mindset behind — no matter your age — and adopting the mindsets, skill sets and practices that can help you live life like a Pro.

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I Cry Because...

I have no words for the jumble of emotions that have me so moved in this moment. Nothing sad, bad, or particularly emotional has happened. It is the most quotidian of mornings. But here’s the thing.
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How to Make Conscious Commitments? Six Steps to Help You Succeed

Why does commitment have to be such a zero-sum game? Or does it? Regarding most behaviors, a little bit is better than nothing. The foundation of successful coaching is helping folks take one small step at a time....
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6 Phrases That Sabotage Your Self-Worth

What if you had indisputable evidence that your words could unquestionably shape your life? What if, like magic, everything you uttered created your reality, both for the better and the worse?
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Are You Exhausted?

Across all my conversations with friends and clients, the phrase I hear most often these days is, “I’m exhausted.” This is a surprising statement on so many levels. Firstly, these are not folks who are working 80 hour...
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5 Ways to Get Inspired EVERY. SINGLE. DAY

Most of us believe that inspiration is an occasional occurrence. We hear someone’s heroic story, visit a new country, or watch an extraordinary athletic performance, and suddenly, we are inspired! But for how long?...
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Why Books Don’t Work!

I was hard pressed to crack open a text book, but devoured any about human behavior, potential and the metaphysical. But my insights and learnings — those that have led me to becoming a Professional Coach — have less...
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Your Questions, Answered: 9 Insights That Changed Me Forever

Last week’s article — 9 Insights That Changed Me Forever — garnered significant attention from folks in my coaching community. Many reached out with life changing insights of their own. When we slow down to reflect on...
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9 Insights that Changed Me Forever

I’m often asked to share these very personal insights. So, in no particular order, here are 9 that helped me change my personality and consequently my life.
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Beyond Helicopter Parenting

The antithesis of Good Enough Parenting is Perfectionist Parenting and it rests on the foundation of the belief that we need to optimize every aspect of our children’s lives. But the consequences of raising our...
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Redefining Seriousness! The ‘Succession’ Effect

Being a serious person is not about putting on a performance of seriousness, but rather a way of thoughtful and deliberate living. It's the art of being fully present and conscious of our actions, creating systems...
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7 Steps to Forge Lasting Connections

I put it to you that every effort we make at communicating stems from one of two mindsets. We are either aiming for connection or for control. How do you identify?
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Are Your Beliefs Holding You Back? Let's Change That.

You see, beliefs are simply thoughts that we have practiced over and over again until they appear to us as facts. When we are able to see the difference between facts and beliefs, we realize how much more powerful we...
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