Make Belonging Happen! communication leadership mindset relationships

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Do you belong?

I don’t! At least not until fairly recently in my life.

You see, although I don’t present as one, I am naturally more of an introvert.

Additionally, for reasons mostly of my own creation and external...

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Interesting vs. Happy: Which Life do You Want? communication mindset parenting relationships

Want to listen to this article instead? Tune into my weekly solo-cast, Amateur to Pro here.


I received an email recently from a friend I haven’t spoken to in a while.

She asked, “So what’s new in your life?”

Oddly, an emotion I couldn’t identify with or name...

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80% of Our Decisions Need to be Made and Only 20% Need to be Made Right β€” Is That True? communication mindset

Want to listen to this article instead? Tune into my weekly solo-cast, Amateur to Pro here.


Dinner at my aunt Melody, and my uncle Daniel's house is always gracious, engaging, and full of the kind of goodness that comes from sharing a meal (an exquisite one in this case) with a family of...

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Sorry (Not Sorry)! communication life skills mindset

What are you apologizing for these days?

Let me guess.

Almost everything?

Most of us go through our days and ultimately our lives habitually apologizing. If you don’t think this applies to you, try the following experiment for a day or a week.

Become aware and take note of how often you...

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Just Ask! communication mindset relationships

My son and I were traveling by plane recently.

We were sitting in coach.

He is a big guy and I’m not such a big woman (in size).

We sat quietly and peacefully next to each other for 2 hours until I asked him this question


Me: “Can I ask you a question?”

He: “Of...

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It’s NOT the Thought That Counts: Why Action Trumps Intention communication

Whoever coined the phrase “it’s the thought that counts” was likely trying to make themselves feel better about disappointing someone due to a half-hearted attempt or one simply not taken at all. 

Nobody ever meant it when they let us off the hook by saying it’s the...

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The Appreciation Audit: How to Create Relationships That Last communication

There’s a secret to identifying our most robust relationships.

The secret is that if asked the question, “which one of you gets more out of this relationship?” each party would honestly and easily respond, “I do, of course!”

This is a concept that our brain...

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The Positivity Trap communication mindset

Trying to be relentlessly positive is an exhausting and often useless pursuit.

So many of us, especially women, got the memo that good people always look at the bright side and help others do the same. How often has your child come to you with a story of how she is feeling hurt, disappointed or...

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5 Reasons for the Quarter Life Crisis coaching communication leadership

If you’re not yet familiar with the concept of Quarter Life Crisis, you’re not alone. It’s also likely that you are not a Millennial.

As a Professional Coach, a number of my clients are emerging adults. Generally between the ages of 18 and 25, they are facing some very real...

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No Advice Please! communication

“I have no advice for you,” is my most often repeated reply to those who ask.  But isn’t that what a Professional Life Coach is supposed to do?  What do we get in return for our investment of time and energy working with a Coach, if not advice?


We are living...

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The Gracious No coaching communication

Last week’s blog, “Freedom As A Life Value”, included one tiny sentence that invited an inordinate number of questions from readers!  In my list of 6 practices that have collectively allowed me to cultivate the freedom to give more time and attention to the activities and...

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Courage Is A Verb communication

“Courage” is a word I think about often. Maybe because it’s a word I hear several times a day in my coaching conversations.

It’s one of the unique aspects of this work - the work of creating change and transformation - that folks inevitably come to believe courage is a...

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Don't Go Breaking My Heart communication

One of my favorite coaches, authors, and all around humans, Jason Goldberg, says this about Professional Coaches, “We are in the PR business - permission and reminders!” Boy, is that true, and one reason I know I will have a Coach by my side for as long as the universe allows me!


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Is Failure the Opposite of Success? communication leadership mindset

A dear and wise client of mine, Jo, sent me a text last night with a seemingly simple question.  She asked, “How do you define success?”

I read this text at the end of a day that felt like anything but successful.  I had failed to finish a 50-mile race that I had trained for...

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Life Coaching is Not Hourly Work coaching communication leadership

Life Coaching continues to be mystifying to most.  It certainly was to me, until the previous decade of my life.  Folks don’t understand the difference between Coaching and therapy, as well as the myriad of other methods that exist within the space of human potential.  And...

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The β€œJust Do It” Myth communication work/life balance

If you regularly beat yourself up because you continue to do or say things you know, for a fact, are not good for you and don’t serve you — just stop! Don’t beat yourself up, you’re actually being completely normal. 

Nothing is wrong, broken or self...

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Self Judgement Is Not A High-Performance Tool communication mindset

Much of the work I do with my clients centers around cultivating their sense of compassion, for others and for themselves.  I’ve found that most of us can find a level of compassion for others, but when it comes to our selves, we can be obstinate and harsh.  We expect so much of...

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Why To Feel communication life integration

Last week’s blog, “To Feel List”, hit a collective nerve.  Readers and clients asked, “How can I make a To Feel List, when I don’t even know, deeply and truly, what feelings I want to experience?”


It seems like an odd question, but if we’ve...

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Don't Be A Dick! communication mindset parenting

My son is graduating from high school.  I’ve raised him the best I knew up to this point, but on the threshold of manhood, I felt that he needed some male advice, in addition to whatever wisdom I’ve shared with him so far.

So I did what I always do when I need advice, help and...

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Four Practices for Leaders in Times of Crisis communication leadership life integration mindset

When in a crisis, leaders are at risk of either under-reacting or over-reacting.

When under-reacting, we are showing minimal empathy, are overly optimistic and downplay the situation.

When over-reacting, we are experiencing constant high threat, catastrophizing, and creating panic in others.


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The Privilege of Being Still communication leadership mindset parenting

“I’m enjoying the privilege of being still,” said my client effortlessly, as though this is a common belief and these words are part of our collective lexicon.

Well, you could have knocked me over my coaching perch with a feather!

With due respect and understanding for the...

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Commitment vs. Intention coaching communication life integration mindset

It’s January 1st, 2020 and all around the world, people are setting goals and intentions that data shows will be forgotten by January 12th.  But there are some people for whom the commitment that they make today, will be sustainable and potentially life-changing.

They will look back on...

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How To Reach Your Partner coaching communication transformation

One reason folks hire a Life Coach is because they feel “stuck” in their relationship with their significant other.  There’s love and commitment, even friendship and fun, so what’s missing?

More often than not, what’s missing is the willingness to talk about...

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5 Ways Life Coaching Has Made Me a Better Parent coaching communication parenting

Ever notice how you can be one person in one area of your life and a different person in another?

In my years as a Professional Life Coach, I can argue that I am (more often than not) a better professional than I have been a parent.  This is not an easy statement to make, but here’s...

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