Have Freakin' Conviction!

I was born and partially raised in a country that wants me dead.

I am a Jewish Iranian woman.

The latest barbaric and unprecedented attack on Israeli citizens is simply the latest chapter in the oldest hatred on this planet — the hatred of Jews.

If you believe the old, tired, and stupid...

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Coaching is a GPS

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How did we live without GPS, cell phones, and text messaging?

Were we constantly lost, out of touch, and in danger?

Life before GPS, cell phones, and text messaging may seem different from today, but it wasn't a constant struggle. We...

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I Cry Because…

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I sit in my favorite morning spot on this early fall day, and tears stream down my cheeks.

I have no words for the jumble of emotions that have me so moved by this moment.

Nothing sad, bad, or particularly emotional has happened.

It is...

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6 Phrases That Sabotage Your Self-Worth

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What if you had indisputable evidence that your words could unquestionably shape your life?

What if, like magic, everything you uttered created your reality, both for the better and the worse?

I’m not talking about mantras and...

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Are You Exhausted?

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I’m more than a Professional Coach.

I am also a mother, a daughter, and a sister. I cherish profound connections with close friends in the three overlapping circles of my life, trail running, coaching, and well, life.


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5 Ways to Get Inspired EVERY. SINGLE. DAY

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We often complain about not having enough motivation. 

“I really want to write the book I’ve been dreaming about, but I’m just not motivated.” 

“If only… I could motivate myself to make...

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Why Books Don’t Work!

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Yesterday morning, a client of mine, whom I'll refer to as Peter, sent me a lovely text stating the following:

Peter: You’re like the human AI!

Me: Why?

Peter: Because you’ve read every non-fiction book ever written and you...

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Your Questions, Answered: 9 Insights That Changed Me Forever

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Last week’s article — 9 Insights That Changed Me Forever — garnered significant attention from folks in my coaching community.

Many reached out with life changing insights of their own.

When we slow down to reflect on...

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9 Insights that Changed Me Forever

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How do you feel when you’re told by folks who have known you for a long time, “You’ve changed!”

If your response is to pull back or cringe a bit, I can relate. So many people use this phrase to accuse another of no...

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Beyond Helicopter Parenting

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I often speak and write about “Good Enough Parenting”.

This is not because I or my clients aim low. On the contrary, we are all high achievers and by nature cringe a little when we hear the two words, “good enough”.


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Redefining Seriousness! The ‘Succession’ Effect

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Were you as obsessed with "Succession" as I was?

Season after season, I eagerly watched each episode, with a paradoxical combination of intense fascination and subtle repulsion. There were moments when I could genuinely empathize with a...

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7 Steps to Forge Lasting Connections

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Effective communication (the kind that actually works!) is arguably our most impactful life skill, yet unfortunately, one most of us are not very good at.

While numerous books have been written on the techniques of effective communication, only...

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Are Your Beliefs Holding You Back? Let's Change That.

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People often ask me if they or someone they know is a good candidate for Life Coaching.

My answer is almost always contingent on finding out what questions they are asking themselves.


If their internal conversation goes something like...

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What Luxury Brands Taught Me About Soul Quenching Conversations?

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Most people believe coaching will give them clarity and confidence. The truth is that good coaching will give them courage.

Confidence is a result of doing hard things — taking actions outside of our comfort zone.


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9 Ways to Offer and Receive Support

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“How can I support you?” is one of my favorite questions to ask at the start of a coaching conversation.

What I’m really asking is, “What is your support language?”

So much has been written about our Love Languages...

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How Ignorance + Arrogance Helped Me Finish a Sky Race

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Last week I wrote about what it takes to get to the start line of anything.

Many times, we scare ourselves before even starting, causing us to never begin. And that’s why, so often, simply to begin is to win.

But what happens when we do...

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To Begin is To Win

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I’m obsessed with beginnings. I find them to be powerful and inspiring.

Beginnings carry what I like to think of as “Pilgrim Energy”!

Beginnings are, by nature, about Possibility.

And Possibilities invite Optimism, Hope and...

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7 Steps to Getting Shit ✅

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Efficiency and effectiveness are not the same.

Understanding the distinction between these two words makes all the difference if our goal is to create more impact with our time, not just check off boxes on our “To Do” list.


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Coaching is… NOT a Hobby

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I have the privilege of working with a selected number of extraordinary individuals who aspire to establish a reputable, skilled and thriving coaching business. Building such a profession from scratch is not an easy thing to do. And it...

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Ordinary People Can Create Extraordinary Lives

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I frequently use the word extraordinary to describe my clients.

Yesterday, while running on the trails, it occurred to me that using this adjective to describe people who are creating noticeable change and transformation in their lives, may be...

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10 Truths I Wish I Could Share With My Clients’ in the Very First Session

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1. The greatest truth remains — what David Whyte calls, “the unending vulnerability of existence.” Pain, illness, loss and grief are not bugs in the system of life, but rather features.


2. Optimism is not an option for...

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An Ode to Mothers

I love this quote by Osho, “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.”

But what I now know to be closer to the truth is that mothers are made, not born.

For me, motherhood was an intellectual concept until, gradually, it became an experience and finally, an obsession.


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How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

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When you were in your 20’s, did you ever think about how you would like to be remembered?

The answer from most of us is a hell no!

We were too busy worrying about how we look, what others think of us and if we were slightly more mature...

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28 Things You Control

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Your judgment

Your next step

Your beliefs

Your smile

Your "Why"

Your words

What you eat and drink

What you say yes to

What you learn

What you ignore

What thoughts you feed

What thoughts you starve

What comes out of your mouth

What you spend...

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