This is Where Powerful Coaching Happens

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I am a Coach who has been writing blogs for this community for years. Recently, I realized that most of my content covers only the basic level of Transformational Coaching.
Powerful coaching happens on three distinct but beautifully integrated levels:
- Identity
- Mindset and
- Strategies and Tactics
While many coaches focus solely on “Strategies and Tactics” when working with their clients, transformational coaches extend beyond these tools.
A more advanced level of coaching involves helping clients change their mindset, which requires a strong bond of trust between the coach and client.
Our mindset is the container of our beliefs, and those who seek my services often already possess a high level of self-awareness. They recognize that they are standing in the way of their progress.
Working with my clients on the “Mindset” level, helping them shift out of long-time limiting beliefs, is far more effective than solely advising them on “Strategies and Tactics.” Mindset work creates the kind of change that sticks.
But neither of these levels of valuable work is complete without focusing on the highest level of change—that of “Identity.”
Your “Identity” refers to who you are as a person. Many of us lead lives with multiple identities, sometimes even with multitudes of them. While managing multiple identities may work for some, it becomes too costly for most of us in the long run. Identity Coaching aims to help my clients (as well as myself) become and remain whole.
My private clients understand that the foundation of our work is focused on their emerging and expanding identity. However, due to my limited capacity to work with individuals in a one-on-one and long-term manner, I would like to incorporate more aspects related to "Identity" into my weekly blog. By doing so, I can share these insights with a larger audience.
Going forward, you may observe a shift in my writing style. Although I will continue to provide lists of 10 ways to do something when I gain new knowledge, my main focus will be on sharing my personal experiences and perspectives on more profound subjects related to "Identity".
I will take a break from publishing articles for the rest of this year to focus on my own work on Identity Evolution. I am excited to reconnect with you more profoundly and transformatively in the New Year.
If you encounter a specific issue or limiting belief or need tips for overcoming a negative pattern, refer to the glossary of articles below.
1. Evolve and Thrive
15 Life-Changing Practices to Adopt in 2024
How to Make Conscious Commitments? 6 Steps to Help You Succeed
5 Ways to Get Inspired EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Your Questions, Answered: 9 Insights That Changed Me Forever
7 Steps to Forge Lasting Connections
9 Ways to Offer and Receive Support
The Key to Better Decisions: Understanding the Why Behind Your Decision-Making Process
The Power of Creating a Joy List
How Can You Speed Up by Slowing Down?
4 Life Principles to Quit the Hustle
Your Future is a Result, Not a Mystery
Kintsugi and The Art of “Creating” Meaning from Life’s Challenges
Is Experience Always The Best Teacher?
The Tyranny of "Should"-ing On Yourself
Why Comparison is the Enemy of Creativity
8 Steps to Creating a Successful Life Transition
You Get What You Pay For: The Ways We Confuse Fee with Fine
It’s NOT the Thought That Counts: Why Action Trumps Intention
4 Errors We Make that Lead to the Habit of Worry
The Appreciation Audit: How to Create Relationships That Last
How to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions by “Going Upstream”
Becoming a Deliberate Something
The "Shit I Don't Have Time For" List
Self Judgement Is Not A High-Performance Tool
You're Not Stupid - You're Just Impatient!
How to Know if You're a Fierce or Selfless Giver
4 Practices for Leaders in Times of Crisis
5 Life Skills For Cultivating Inspiration
How to Cultivate the Habit of Slowing Down to Increase Your Productivity
How to Improve the Quality of Your Life - an LA Mom Magazine Interview (Part 1)
How to Improve the Quality of Your Life - an LA Mom Magazine Interview (Part 2)
2. Communicate Like a Pro
Words Can Help or Hurt. Choose Responsibly
The Cost of Silence - Your Voice Matters
6 Phrases That Sabotage Your Self-Worth
What Luxury Brands Taught Me About Soul Quenching Conversations?
No Frapping - The Powerful Agreement That Creates Bulletproof Relationships
It’s Nice to be Kind! Or is it?
Networking Sucks! Master the Art of Connecting Instead
Intimacy is not a Feeling; it's a Result
Self Judgement is Not a High-Performance Tool
3. Grow Your Best Self
Redefining Seriousness! The ‘Succession’ Effect
Are Your Beliefs Holding You Back? Let's Change That
How Ignorance + Arrogance Helped Me Finish a Sky Race
Ordinary People Can Create Extraordinary Lives
How Do You Want To Be Remembered?
20 Things I Wish I Knew in My 30s: A Coach's Reflection
Ageless Advisors: 80-Somethings Share Their Secrets
Age Powerfully, Not Gracefully
How Often Do You Question Your Worth?
Are you an Amateur or a Pro? Here are 30 Differences to Help You Decide
"How Do You Define Success?" She Asked
Why the Right Group of People is a Mirror - Not a Club
The Unexpected Gifts of Grief & Loss
The Unexpected Gifts of Grief & Loss - Part 2
Body Purpose: Why We Need to Challenge Modern-Day Culture & Media
The Key to Transitioning to a "Second Life"
Loneliness Vs. Solitude - It's About Choice
Knowing and Doing are Not Related
4. Shift Your Mindset
The Mindset Reset! 11 Powerful Practices
The Blessing of an Ordinary Day
Interesting Vs. Happy: Which Life do You Want?
Going With the Flow Vs. Being In Flow - An Important Distinction
Second Marriage with Your First Spouse? Is That a Thing?
Are You a Visionary or Action Hero?
Being In Control Vs. Being In Charge
Is Failure the Opposite of Success?
Are You a Time Thriver or Time Survivor?
You're Not Stupid - You're Just Impatient!
Loneliness Vs. Solitude - It's About Choice
Good Enough or Not Good Enough For You?
It's a Process - Not a Superpower
How to Cultivate the Habit of Slowing Down to Increase Your Productivity
Why Creating is More Fun Than Predicting
5. Aspire to Be a Coach
Nine Superpowers of a Great Coach
Are You Making a Contract or a Covenant?
Life Coaching is Not Hourly Work
Knowing and Doing are Not Related
The Path to Becoming a Professional Life Coach
4 Reasons to Meet Your Life Coach at the Beach
Why I Work with the BEST Clients EVER!
Why There is No Such Thing as a "Good" Professional Life Coach!
A Gucci Bag or Your Emotional Health?
6. Demystify Coaching
10 Truths I Wish I Could Share With My Clients’ in the Very First Session
Coaching Vs. Therapy - Why I No Longer Give a Short Answer to This Question?
Coaching Vs. Therapy - The Long Answer
The Power of the Determined Client
Nine Superpowers of a Great Coach
Are You Making a Contract or a Covenant?
Life Coaching is Not Hourly Work
Knowing and Doing are Not Related
5 Ways Life Coaching Has Made Me a Better Parent
4 Reasons to Meet Your Life Coach at the Beach
Why I Work with the BEST Clients EVER!
A Gucci Bag or Your Emotional Health?
7. Raise Responsible Human Beings
Redefining Success in Parenting - Why ‘The Parent Test’ is More Than Just a Reality Show?
Raising Conscious Children: Balancing Growing Up and Waking Up
When Do You Become An ‘Adult’?
Are you an Amateur or a Pro? Here are 30 Differences to Help You Decide
5 Reasons for the Quarter Life Crisis
Graduation Advice To My Younger Self
Good Enough or Not Good Enough For You?