Don't Go Breaking My Heart communication

One of my favorite coaches, authors, and all around humans, Jason Goldberg, says this about Professional Coaches, “We are in the PR business - permission and reminders!” Boy, is that true, and one reason I know I will have a Coach by my side for as long as the universe allows me!


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Life is Long life integration

How often have you heard, “Life is short”?

Here’s the thing.  If we don’t meet an untimely death, if we are fortunate enough to be given a life past our 80’s, then life is actually pretty long.  Playing the long game is smart, but it is also the only game...

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My Top Time Management Hack time management

One of the main reasons people seek a Professional Life Coach, is to become better at time management.  It seems like an unconquerable and multi-headed Hydra, whether you are a stay-at-home parent or a global CEO.  Our desire to master time and experience a measure of ease and balance...

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Change is a Wild Horse life integration

When did the word “change” become a negative thing?  George Bernard Shaw famously said, “Those who cannot change their mind, cannot change anything.”  Yet, so many of us fight, resist, and are adverse to change in ourselves and others.


Helping my clients...

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Balance Is A Verb life integration

One of the main goals that bring people to life coaching is the desire to “find balance” in their lives.  Spoiler alert!  As far as I have come to believe and understand, there is no such thing as living a balanced life, unless you are a robot or living a very boring life.


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The Key to Transitioning to a "Second Life" life skills

The chance to live a second life is nothing less than a privilege.  I don’t mean a second chapter, I mean, the opportunity to live a life that feels brand new.


I’m writing this blog on a day of the week where I meet with all 3 of my Mastermind and Coaching Groups. ...

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Becoming A Deliberate Something coaching transformation work/life balance

I’m often asked how I became an ultrarunner, and the short answer is, “One step at a time”.  The deeper answer has something to do with loss and humility.

I started running in my teens as a means to an end.  Whether that end goal was to lose weight, produce positive...

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Is Failure the Opposite of Success? communication leadership mindset

A dear and wise client of mine, Jo, sent me a text last night with a seemingly simple question.  She asked, “How do you define success?”

I read this text at the end of a day that felt like anything but successful.  I had failed to finish a 50-mile race that I had trained for...

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Niche Rhymes with Quiche coaching leadership

“What’s your niche?”, is a question I’m asked often by folks who are curious to learn more about coaching, and by other Coaches who are interested in working with me.


My short and often unsatisfying response is, “My niche is humans.”



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Life Coaching is Not Hourly Work coaching communication leadership

Life Coaching continues to be mystifying to most.  It certainly was to me, until the previous decade of my life.  Folks don’t understand the difference between Coaching and therapy, as well as the myriad of other methods that exist within the space of human potential.  And...

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What About Me? life integration work/life balance

I absolutely love my work.  Folks ask me if I’m exhausted at the end of the day, having been in deep coaching conversations for 8-9 hours.  I secretly believe that most people think I’m lying when I say I’m far from exhausted.  In truth, I’m even more...

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The โ€œJust Do Itโ€ Myth communication work/life balance

If you regularly beat yourself up because you continue to do or say things you know, for a fact, are not good for you and don’t serve you — just stop! Don’t beat yourself up, you’re actually being completely normal. 

Nothing is wrong, broken or self...

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Intimacy is not a Feeling, it's a Result work/life balance

What is the first emotion you experience when you hear the word, “intimacy”?


If you’re like most of us, the emotion is surprisingly confusing, loaded, and falls somewhere within the purgatory of emotions that should feel good, but somehow don’t.  So if you...

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The "Things Worth Doing" List life integration

Last week’s blog, “The Shit I Don’t Have Time For” List, touched more people’s hearts and minds than I expected.  As well, it elicited the most response I’ve ever received.  Although I wrote it from my own female perspective, men and women alike,...

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The "Shit I Don't Have Time For" List transformation

I’m 55 — a declaration that in and of itself, feels like a radical act. Compounded with the fact that I'm a woman, and a single woman at that, well, it almost feels inappropriate to say out loud.

Most of us, men and women alike, have been raised and accustomed to basing our actions...

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Learn Less, Remember More

Many of us are energized to set new goals and resolutions during this time of the year.  I love beginnings and endings, but I don’t love the middle. One of my biggest challenges in this work of self-growth and development has been identifying practices that help me be and feel as...

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Inspiration Vs. Motivation mindset

This is the time of year that Professional Coaches are inundated with requests for coaching conversations.  Folks want to know how someone like me can help them achieve their goals.  It’s easy to set goals and create a plan to execute them.  It’s easy to download an app...

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What Should I Do? coaching

“What should I do?”, is arguably the phrase many Professional Coaches hear most often.  High achieving folks have a tendency to believe they should be able to solve all their challenges by themselves.  Most of my clients come to me with this particular belief firmly rooted...

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You're Not Stupid - You're Just Impatient! mindset

Perk up your ears, and you’ll notice how often you hear yourself or others say, “I’m so stupid!”.  I know I do it.  Far less than I used to, but still, I catch myself saying it in my head and sometimes out loud with no consciousness.


As I’m fond of...

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Self Judgement Is Not A High-Performance Tool communication mindset

Much of the work I do with my clients centers around cultivating their sense of compassion, for others and for themselves.  I’ve found that most of us can find a level of compassion for others, but when it comes to our selves, we can be obstinate and harsh.  We expect so much of...

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Why To Feel communication life integration

Last week’s blog, “To Feel List”, hit a collective nerve.  Readers and clients asked, “How can I make a To Feel List, when I don’t even know, deeply and truly, what feelings I want to experience?”


It seems like an odd question, but if we’ve...

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To Feel List mindset transformation

A strange and different kind of year is coming to an end, and oddly, most of us are experiencing the same pre-holiday stressors as we do during any other “normal” year.  For a year that was seemingly “cancelled”, we sure have a lot to get done, right?


What this...

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Get Off The Bicycle! coaching transformation work/life balance

What’s the state of your Life Buckets?  When was the last time you checked to see how empty or full each one is?


One of the first exercises I introduce my clients to, is the process defining your 3-4 Life Buckets.  Once we identify our Core Life Values (a separate...

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You're Killing My Soul!! coaching mindset transformation

“You’re killing my soul!”, I whined to my Coach, more than once.  You’d think he was asking me to take action that put my life at risk.  What he was asking me to do - repeatedly, and time after time - was to block time in my calendar for all the things that...

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