You're Not Stupid - You're Just Impatient! mindset

Perk up your ears, and you’ll notice how often you hear yourself or others say, “I’m so stupid!”.  I know I do it.  Far less than I used to, but still, I catch myself saying it in my head and sometimes out loud with no consciousness.


As I’m fond of...

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Self Judgement Is Not A High-Performance Tool communication mindset

Much of the work I do with my clients centers around cultivating their sense of compassion, for others and for themselves.  I’ve found that most of us can find a level of compassion for others, but when it comes to our selves, we can be obstinate and harsh.  We expect so much of...

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Why To Feel communication life integration

Last week’s blog, “To Feel List”, hit a collective nerve.  Readers and clients asked, “How can I make a To Feel List, when I don’t even know, deeply and truly, what feelings I want to experience?”


It seems like an odd question, but if we’ve...

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To Feel List mindset transformation

A strange and different kind of year is coming to an end, and oddly, most of us are experiencing the same pre-holiday stressors as we do during any other “normal” year.  For a year that was seemingly “cancelled”, we sure have a lot to get done, right?


What this...

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Get Off The Bicycle! coaching transformation work/life balance

What’s the state of your Life Buckets?  When was the last time you checked to see how empty or full each one is?


One of the first exercises I introduce my clients to, is the process defining your 3-4 Life Buckets.  Once we identify our Core Life Values (a separate...

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You're Killing My Soul!! coaching mindset transformation

“You’re killing my soul!”, I whined to my Coach, more than once.  You’d think he was asking me to take action that put my life at risk.  What he was asking me to do - repeatedly, and time after time - was to block time in my calendar for all the things that...

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Who Do I Need To Talk To? mindset

Growing up and well into adulthood, “How do I make it happen??”, was the question I asked myself most often.  I was raised and also had an inclination to be independent, resourceful and high achieving.  Bars were not set low in my family, and I not only accepted that life...

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Forget About Passion! mindset parenting

What do highly educated millennials and many high-achieving, fifty-ish women have in common?

On the surface, seemingly not much. However, because both are groups of people that I coach, one similarity connects them with surprising consistency. Often, both groups  are striving to gain clarity...

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Loneliness vs. Solitude - It's About Choice work/life balance

Everywhere we turn, we are told that there is a loneliness epidemic, now far worsened by the mandate to social distance due to COVID.  Even before this pandemic, the data overwhelmingly points to the cost of loneliness in huge populations with people of all ages.  A ground breaking 2010...

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Good Enough or Not Good Enough For You? parenting transformation

Perfect is a moving target, that’s if it’s even a thing. We are so quick and nonchalant in peppering our everyday conversations with the word “perfect”.  That was a perfect meal.  My son is a perfect student.  I want the perfect relationship.  Most of...

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Knowing and Doing are Not Related transformation

If you regularly beat yourself up because you continue to do or say things you know, for a fact, are not good for you and don’t serve you - just stop! Don’t beat yourself up, you’re actually being completely normal.



Nothing is wrong, broken or self sabotaging about...

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It's a Process - Not a Superpower mindset

What comes up for you when you read the following?:

“After the birth of their child, Ruth Bader Ginsburg's husband was diagnosed with cancer. During this period, Ruth attended class, took notes for them both, typed her husband's dictated papers and cared for their child & her sick...

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Why No One Needs Coaching coaching

Recently, I was on a “catch up on life” call with a friend of mine, and she was telling me about all the people around her who are dealing with our new COVID reality by doing more, much more, of what they were always doing anyway.  She complained about their overdrinking, over...

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Don't Be A Dick! communication mindset parenting

My son is graduating from high school.  I’ve raised him the best I knew up to this point, but on the threshold of manhood, I felt that he needed some male advice, in addition to whatever wisdom I’ve shared with him so far.

So I did what I always do when I need advice, help and...

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Four Practices for Leaders in Times of Crisis communication leadership life integration mindset

When in a crisis, leaders are at risk of either under-reacting or over-reacting.

When under-reacting, we are showing minimal empathy, are overly optimistic and downplay the situation.

When over-reacting, we are experiencing constant high threat, catastrophizing, and creating panic in others.


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The Privilege of Being Still communication leadership mindset parenting

“I’m enjoying the privilege of being still,” said my client effortlessly, as though this is a common belief and these words are part of our collective lexicon.

Well, you could have knocked me over my coaching perch with a feather!

With due respect and understanding for the...

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Life in the Time of Corona coaching mindset work/life balance

These are complex times and I thought long and hard before writing this blog.  There is so much “information” being hurled at us - whether we’ve invited it or not - and I wasn’t sure I would add value by creating yet another piece of content.

So I stayed quiet and...

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What's Wrong with Knowledge? coaching life integration transformation

What if becoming more knowledgeable doesn’t lead to more fulfillment and success in life?  How would we live our lives differently if we believed this statement to be true? Would we consume less content, read fewer books, and pay less attention to experts?  That seems like a...

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A Birthday Gift parenting

Hi Everyone,

Today is my birthday, although most everyone thinks it was yesterday.

 I did this intentionally, so I could be present for everyone’s well wishes yesterday and spend this day in reflection and gratitude.  I also want  my actual birthday to be a day of giving...

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The Path to Becoming a Professional Life Coach coaching transformation

I’m often asked about my path to becoming a Professional Life Coach. This is one of the fastest growing industries globally, and in my opinion, with 7 billion of us needing and wanting to live more successful lives, we could use all the good coaches we can have in this world.

I thank...

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Commitment vs. Intention coaching communication life integration mindset

It’s January 1st, 2020 and all around the world, people are setting goals and intentions that data shows will be forgotten by January 12th.  But there are some people for whom the commitment that they make today, will be sustainable and potentially life-changing.

They will look back on...

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Freedom From or Freedom To? life integration mindset work/life balance

Do you want to be free?

I’m guessing that your answer is a resounding yes.  Mine was, even before I had the language to express it.  My earliest memories are of roaming in our magical garden in Iran, and feeling like I was free to do and be whatever I wanted.  That was my 5...

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Coach and be Coached coaching life integration transformation

In my career as a Professional Life Coach, I’ve learned that many people don’t understand how their lives might change if they worked with someone who does what I do.

Let me tell you a little bit about my clients.  First of all, they’re doing great, thank you very...

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Dead F----- Last coaching mindset

Life Coaching is about changing thoughts, shifting perceptions, and breaking down goals into bite size pieces.  As a coach, I don’t have the answers for my clients. I’m certainly not smarter than them. And although I hope to inspire, I’m not a cheerleader.

A good coach...

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